LSRP/LSRA line - Commercial Cylinder Heated Drying Ironerswith length folding (LSRP) and rear return (LSRA).

Industrial cylinder ironers with a diameter of 320 to 800mm and a roll length of 1400 to 3200mm and chest ironers with roll diameter of  800 to 1600mm.
This group of ironers was designed for medium and large laundry facilities. Where high performance and high quality and efficiency are required.

Industrial ironers are divided into:
LSR line
LSRP / LSRA line
LSREP line
ICLI line

Industrial cylinder ironers are equipped with high-strength and heat-resistant press belts. The controller gives you the opportunity to set all the necessary parameters, including the selection of speed and ironing temperature.
Most of this group can be installed directly by the wall. Thanks to this solution, space and can be save and ironer can operated by fewer staff.
All devices are equipped with a finger guard and a safety switch.
This group of ironers can be equipped with electric, steam or gas heating.

 Our team will be happy help you in selecting suitable ironer. (Contact)

LSRP/LSRA 5020 - Przemysłowy magiel pasowy - prasująco -suszący
  • Ø500mm, 2000mm długość
  • Podgrzewany wał
  • Zintegrowane wkładanie i odbieranie bielizny z jednej strony
LSRP/LSRA 5025 - Przemysłowy magiel pasowy - prasująco -suszący
  • Ø500mm, 2500mm długość
  • Podgrzewany wał
  • Zintegrowane wkładanie i odbieranie bielizny z jednej strony
LSRP/LSRA 5032 - Przemysłowy magiel pasowy - prasująco -suszący
  • Ø500mm, 3200mm długość
  • Podgrzewany wał
  • Zintegrowane wkładanie i odbieranie bielizny z jednej strony
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